Wildbird Feeders
Kordon Pond AmQuel Plus removes chlorine, chloramines, ammonia, nitrates, and nitrites from pond water safely, easily and quickly. AmQuel protects pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating, in a true single-step action, three of the most toxic chemicals commonly found in water.
- Instantly detoxifies ammonia
- Detoxifies nitrate, nitrite, chloramines and chlorine, and toxic pheromones
- Detoxifies toxic organics in older water for fewer water changes
- Does not interfere with biological filtration or nitrifying bacteria
- Functions equaly well in fresh or salt water
Pond AmQuel Plus is the latest development in state-of-the-art water conditioning technology and is the next step beyond what the original AmQuel product does. Pond AmQuel Plus has several fundamental purposes and benefits. Does not interfere with the biological nitrogen cycle in your ponds filtration system. Ammonia is changed into a non-toxic compound the bacteria quickly consume.
Pond AmQuel Plus benefits is easy to use and equally effective in fresh and salt water, and it does not affect the beneficial bacteria of the biological nitrogen cycle. Pond AmQuel Plus is compatible with all water conditioners and all Kordon medications and other medications on which it has been tested, and with all aquatic life - including live rock and reef tank inhabitants. Pond AmQuel Plus does not affect pH (acidity and alkalinity), and does not discolor the water. Pond AmQuel Plus has a long shelf life.
Note: Pond Amquel Plus has an acerbic odor, but does not affect aquatic life, and the odor quickly disappears in use.
Instructions: Follow the label for dosing instructions.
Detailed Benefits:
- Use to treat tap water when water is added changed to detoxify chlorine, chloramines and their components (chlorine and ammonia) and to make the water safe for aquatic life free of these lethal toxins.
- Protects aquarium and pond fishes and invertebrates by quickly eliminating (actually detoxifying) the harmful components of the biological nitrogen cycle - ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates without slowing the nitrogen cycle, interfering with the beneficial bacteria involved, or depriving these bacteria of their food.
- Can rapidly detoxify toxic organics in overcrowded aquariums and ponds where waste products from the fishes, etc., quickly collect.
- Detoxifies organic compounds that accumulate in aquarium and pond water over time, including noxious pheromones released by fish and aquatic invertebrates to signal and repel each other. This is specially important for reducing the frequency of needed water changes. Many larger freshwater and saltwater aquarium fishes release pheromones to establish territoriality and repel other fishes. This is particularly true in fresh water for cichlids and plectognath fishes (triggers, filefish, puffers, boxfish) in salt water.
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Air Pumps & Parts
Airline Connectors, Tubing, & Kits
Algaecides & Algae Removers
Ammonia Removers
Apparel (Boots & Shoes)
Apparel (Coats & Slickers)
Apparel (Pajamas & Sweaters)
Aquarium Cleaning Solutions
Aquarium Gravel (Standard)
Aquariums (Acrylic & Glass)
Backpacks & Life Jackets
Bags (Plastic)
Bath Sprays & Washes
Baths Decorative & Other
Beak Conditioners
Bed Mats & Throw Type
Bedding Material
Beds & Cushions
Bowls & Dishes
Bowls (Glass)
Bowls (Plastic)
Box, Pens & Clips
Breeding & Isolation Equipment
Brewers Yeast
Brushes & Shedding Tools
Bulbs (Fluorescent)
Bulbs (Incandescent)
Bulbs (UV & Parts)
Cage & Habitat Accessories
Cage Carpets
Cage Covers & Seed Guards
Calming Aids
Carriers & Shipping Crates
Cat Treats
Chew Stop Aids
Chews & Licks
Chlorine & Chloramine Removers
Chokes (Stainless Steel)
Cleaners & Deodorizers
Cleaners (Cage & Hand)
Cleaning Equipment
Cleaning Pads & Brushes
Climbing Items
Collars (Leather)
Collars (Nylon)
Collars (Other)
Colognes & Odor Eliminators
Combs & Brushes
Combs (Flea & Tick)
Coral Specialty
Crates & Pens
Crushed Coral Standard
Cuddlers & Loungers
Cups & Waterers & Feeders
Dematting Rake
Dental & Breath Aids
Diapers, Sanitary Pads & Pants
Dishes & Bowls
Dishes (Crock Style)
Dishes (Plastic)
Dishes (Stainless Steel)
Dog Treats
Doors & Panels
Ear & Eye Treatments
Exercise Equipment
Eye & Ear Treatments
Feeders (Auto & Other)
Filter & Bio Bags
Filter Bio-Media
Filter Carbon
Filter Cartridges
Filter Media
Filter Media & Material
Filter Pads
Filters & Media
Filters Canister (External)
Filters Canister (Internal)
Filters Corner & Sponge
Filters Power Filters
Filters Undergravel
Fish Feeders
Fish Food & Supplements
Fish Medications
Flea & Tick Carpet Powders
Flea & Tick Collars
Flea & Tick Dips
Flea & Tick Drops
Flea & Tick Foggers
Flea & Tick Shampoos
Flea & Tick Sprays & Powders
Flea & Tick Sprays & Powders & Wipes
Flea & Tick Yard Sprays
Flora & Moss
Food Scoops
Foods (Canned)
Foods (Dry)
Foods (Freeze Dried)
Foods (Liquid & Specialty)
Foods (Pelleted)
Foods (Plant)
Foods Flake (Goldfish)
Foods Flake (Tropical)
Foods Vacation & Time Release
Fountain Kits
Freshwater (FW) & Saltwater (SW) Testing & Reagents
Gravel & Cage Paper
Gravel & Grit
Gravel Vacs
Grooming Aids
Harnesses (Nylon)
Harnesses Pickup & Saftey
Health Aids
Health Care
Heat Emitters
Heat Mats
Heaters (Other)
Heaters (Submersible)
Heating Rocks
Hiding Places
Honey Sticks
Housebreaking Aids
Hummingbird Feeders
Hummingbird Food & Nectars
Hydrometer & Thermometer
Insect Repellents
Ladders (Wood)
Leads (Leather & Latigo)
Leads (Nylon)
Leads (Retractable)
Leads (Stainless Steel)
Leads (Training)
Leads, Leashes, & Harnesses
Lighting & Accessories
Lighting (Fluorescent)
Lighting (Incandescent)
Lighting (LED)
Litter Clumping
Litter Deodorizers & Additives
Litter Liners & Filters
Litter Pans
Litter Pans & Covers
Litter Scoops
Made in the USA Dog Treats
Medicated Lotions & Ointments
Medications (Fish)
Milk Replacers
Mineral Blocks
Miscellaneous (Fashion Wear)
Miscellaneous (Merchandise)
Muzzles (Nylon & Wire)
Nail Trimmers & Files
Nesting Equipment
Nests Wicker & Stick & Other
Nets & Netting
Nursers & Bottles
Nutritional Supplements
Odor Control
Other Filter Parts
Perches (Plastic & Other)
Perches (Wood)
Plant Baskets
Plant Food
Plants (Marine)
Plants (Standard)
Plumbing Parts
Pond Liners
Posts (Hanging & Regular)
Power & Canister Filter Replacement Parts
Power Heads
Pumps (Air)
Pumps Water
Rawhide Bones & Chews
Reef Items
Reflectors & Domes
Repellents (Indoor & Outdoor)
Replacement Parts
Rinses & Coat Conditioners
Sand & Gravel
Screen Covers
Sealants & Silicone
Security Gates (Wire & Wood)
Seed (Bagged)
Shampoos & Conditioners
Shampoos (Medicated)
Shampoos (Regular)
Small Pet Treats
Stain Removers
Starter Kits
Swings & Trees
Testing Equipment
Thermometers & Thermostats
Thermometers (Digital)
Thermometers (Standard)
Tieout Cables & Stakes
Toys & Play Products
Toys (Catnip)
Toys (Cloth)
Toys (Gumabone)
Toys (Latex)
Toys (Nylabone)
Toys (Other)
Toys (Rope)
Toys (Rubber)
Toys (Sheepskin)
Toys (Vinyl)
Training Aids
Treats & Supplements
Treats (Bulk)
Treats (Packaged)
Tubing (Flexible)
Tubing (Rigid)
UV Sterilizers & Parts
Valves Pipe & In-Line & Other
Waste Pickup & Disposal
Water Bottles
Water Conditioners
Water Pumps
Water Pumps & Power Head Parts
Water Solutions - Specialty & Pre-Mixed
Water Spitters
Water Treatments
Waterers & Feeders
Waterfall Kits
Whistles (Silent & Other)
Wildbird Feeders
Wildbird Food
Wire Cages & Habitats