Sealants & Silicone
The Aqueon Deluxe LED Full Aquarium Hood provides brilliant, efficient, beautiful illumination for your aquarium in an easy-to-use, adaptable LED light fixture. One long Day White LED Lamp provides crisp brightness, while a Moon Glow Accent Light adds extra character and serenity to your underwater environment.
- Hinged door for easy access
- Includes Day White LED Lamp and Moon Glow Accent light
- Low Profile Aquarium Hood is only 2.5" Tall
- Light Hood Designed for freshwater or saltwater
- LED Aquarium Hood is UL-listed for safety
This hood accommodates up to 2 energy-saving LED lamps that use up to 70% less energy than comparable T8 fluorescent lamps. A full-length hinged door allows easy access to the tank, while reflective glass reduces evaporation. A lengthwise breakout is designed to fit narrow aquariums, and additional breakouts allow space for most filters and heaters.
Aqueon Replacement LED Lamps to allow you to customize your hood to suit virtually any preference!.
- Day White - A bright day white lamp for fresh or saltwater aquariums.
- Colormax - A combination of white and red LEDs that create a warm glow to enhance the color and appearance of tropical fish.
- Max Blue - A blue lamp to provide shimmering natural deep sea illumination to the aquarium.
- Beauty Max - A blend of red, green, and blue LEDs deepens the richness of colors.
20": 2 Watts (Fits Aquarium Sizes 10, 20X)
24": 3 Watts (Fits Aquarium Sizes 15, 20H, 30X, 33L, 40L, 55)
30": 4 Watts (Fits Aquarium Sizes 20L, 29, 37)
36": 5 Watts (Fits Aquariums Sizes 30, 38, 45).
1 Fixture
1 Day White LED Lamp
1 Transformer
Setup Instructions.
Aqueons 3 Simple Tips for Aquarium Success:
1. Lighting - Only keep aquarium lights on for 8-10 hours during the day, then turn them off at night.
2. Feeding - Give your fish one small pinch of food 2 or 3 times per day.
3. Water Changes - Only change 25% of the water once per month. Never empty all the water at once.
The Aqueon LED Strip Light provides brilliant, efficient, beautiful illumination for your aquarium in an easy-to-use, adaptable LED light fixture. One long Day White LED Lamp provides crisp brightness, while a Moon Glow Accent Light adds extra character and serenity to your underwater environment.
- 3-way power switch
- Includes Day White LED Lamp and Moon Glow Accent light
- Designed for freshwater or saltwater
Upgrade your existing fluorescent full hood with this LED Strip Light to save energy and provide even better illumination for your aquarium fish and plants. This aquarium LED strip light fixture has a low profile housing at 2.13" tall and accommodates up to 2 energy-saving LED lamps that use up to 70% less energy than comparable T8 fluorescent lamps. Use with glass top only. Do not use over open water. UL-listed for safety.
20" LED Strip Light: 2 Watts (Fits Aquarium Sizes 10 & 20X)
24" LED Strip Light: 3 Watts (Fits Aquarium Sizes 15, 20H, 26 Bow, 30X, 33L, 40L, 55)
30" LED Strip Light: 4 Watts (Fits Aquarium Sizes 20L, 29, 36 Bow, 37, 54 Corner)
36" LED Strip Light: 5 Watts - (Fits Aquarium Sizes 30, 38, 45, 46 Bow).
1 Fixture
1 Day White LED Lamp
1 Transformer
Setup Instructions.
Aqueons 3 Simple Tips for Aquarium Success:
1. Lighting - Only keep aquarium lights on for 8-10 hours during the day, then turn them off at night.
2. Feeding - Give your fish one small pinch of food 2 or 3 times per day.
3. Water Changes - Only change 25% of the water once per month. Never empty all the water at once.
Instant Ocean sea salt contains every necessary major, minor, and trace element and has no nitrates and no phosphates. It was developed through sophisticated biological and chemical testing, and every batch is analyzed to assure consistent high quality.
- Fast dissolving
- Nitrate free
- Phosphate free
Exceptional solubility, uniform particle size, and outstanding package value have made Instant Ocean salt the choice of aquarists for over 40 years. No other product outperforms Instant Ocean salt. Our guarantee of quality is supported by a history of proven usage. Instant Ocean salt is the worlds most popular brand of sea salt.
3 lbs Treats 10 Gallons
7.5 lbs Treats 25 Gallons
15 lbs Treats 50 Gallons
45 lbs Treats 150 Gallons
46 lbs: Treats 160 Gallons
60 lbs Treats 200 Gallons.
Lees Clear Tubing comes in a variety of sizes and can be used for Pond Tubing or Aquarium Tubing. Measurements are for ID Tubing - (inside diameter). Packaged in pre-printed dispenser boxes for easy storage or dispersal for stores.
- Resistant to ultra-violet rays
- Features slip-fit for standard barbed fittings commonly used in pond applications, Barbed fittings require clamps
- Soft, thick-wall hose
Note: Can be used with Pondmaster Pond Air Pumps!.
Inside diameter is slightly undersized for tight fit - (You may heat the end of the tube in warm water to slide onto tight fittings!) Size and flow arrows printed on all tubing and Marked every foot. Clamps Required on Tubing greater than 1" diameter!.
PetAg Dyne High Calorie Liquid Nutritional Supplement for Dogs and Puppies provides liquid calories to support weight gain, provide energy, and promote overall health.
- Tasty vanilla flavor dogs love is ideal for even the finickiest of pups
- Can be used to wet kibble, as a wet food mix in, or given in syringe or bowl
- Convenient way to add calories and combat dehydration when mixed with water
Perfect for growing pups, pregnant or nursing moms, working dogs, or dogs recovering from surgeries and illnesses.
Seachem Ammonia Alert is an innovative color device for continuously detecting and monitoring free ammonia in aquariums. A sensor changes from yellow to green to blue, relative to the ammonia concentration in the water. Seachem Ammonia Alert detects less than 0.05 mg/L (ppm) free ammonia and alerts you before fish show any signs of stress. It lasts over a year and replacement sensors are available.
- Easy visual gauge to monitor ammonia in your reef or fish tank
- Use in saltwater or freshwater aquariums
- Provides 1 year of ammonia detection
In the absence of free ammonia the unit will assume a yellow or faint yellow-green color. It is normal for the dry sensor to have a greenish hue. It may take up to a few days for a dry sensor to equilibrate with the water. No sampling of water or test procedures are required. The presence of the free ammonia is detectable continuously with a response time of about 15 minutes. Response to decreasing ammonia is slower, requiring about 4 hours to register a SAFE reading.
NO RAWHIDE SmartBones Sticks Wrapped with Real Chicken are made with Real Chicken and Peanut Butter and have a Delectable Chicken Layer wrapped around the outside for a scrumptious taste dogs cant resist!.
- Real Chicken on the Outside for an Over-the-Top Chicken Taste
- Made with Real Chicken and Peanut Butter
- Rawhide-Free
- Easy to Digest
- Vitamin and Mineral Enriched
- 1
Air Pumps & Parts
Airline Connectors, Tubing, & Kits
Algaecides & Algae Removers
Ammonia Removers
Apparel (Boots & Shoes)
Apparel (Coats & Slickers)
Apparel (Pajamas & Sweaters)
Aquarium Cleaning Solutions
Aquarium Gravel (Standard)
Aquariums (Acrylic & Glass)
Backpacks & Life Jackets
Bags (Plastic)
Bath Sprays & Washes
Baths Decorative & Other
Beak Conditioners
Bed Mats & Throw Type
Bedding Material
Beds & Cushions
Bowls & Dishes
Bowls (Glass)
Bowls (Plastic)
Box, Pens & Clips
Breeding & Isolation Equipment
Brewers Yeast
Brushes & Shedding Tools
Bulbs (Fluorescent)
Bulbs (Incandescent)
Bulbs (UV & Parts)
Cage & Habitat Accessories
Cage Carpets
Cage Covers & Seed Guards
Calming Aids
Carriers & Shipping Crates
Cat Treats
Chew Stop Aids
Chews & Licks
Chlorine & Chloramine Removers
Chokes (Stainless Steel)
Cleaners & Deodorizers
Cleaners (Cage & Hand)
Cleaning Equipment
Cleaning Pads & Brushes
Climbing Items
Collars (Leather)
Collars (Nylon)
Collars (Other)
Colognes & Odor Eliminators
Combs & Brushes
Combs (Flea & Tick)
Coral Specialty
Crates & Pens
Crushed Coral Standard
Cuddlers & Loungers
Cups & Waterers & Feeders
Dematting Rake
Dental & Breath Aids
Diapers, Sanitary Pads & Pants
Dishes & Bowls
Dishes (Crock Style)
Dishes (Plastic)
Dishes (Stainless Steel)
Dog Treats
Doors & Panels
Ear & Eye Treatments
Exercise Equipment
Eye & Ear Treatments
Feeders (Auto & Other)
Filter & Bio Bags
Filter Bio-Media
Filter Carbon
Filter Cartridges
Filter Media
Filter Media & Material
Filter Pads
Filters & Media
Filters Canister (External)
Filters Canister (Internal)
Filters Corner & Sponge
Filters Power Filters
Filters Undergravel
Fish Feeders
Fish Food & Supplements
Fish Medications
Flea & Tick Carpet Powders
Flea & Tick Collars
Flea & Tick Dips
Flea & Tick Drops
Flea & Tick Foggers
Flea & Tick Shampoos
Flea & Tick Sprays & Powders
Flea & Tick Sprays & Powders & Wipes
Flea & Tick Yard Sprays
Flora & Moss
Food Scoops
Foods (Canned)
Foods (Dry)
Foods (Freeze Dried)
Foods (Liquid & Specialty)
Foods (Pelleted)
Foods (Plant)
Foods Flake (Goldfish)
Foods Flake (Tropical)
Foods Vacation & Time Release
Fountain Kits
Freshwater (FW) & Saltwater (SW) Testing & Reagents
Gravel & Cage Paper
Gravel & Grit
Gravel Vacs
Grooming Aids
Harnesses (Nylon)
Harnesses Pickup & Saftey
Health Aids
Health Care
Heat Emitters
Heat Mats
Heaters (Other)
Heaters (Submersible)
Heating Rocks
Hiding Places
Honey Sticks
Housebreaking Aids
Hummingbird Feeders
Hummingbird Food & Nectars
Hydrometer & Thermometer
Insect Repellents
Ladders (Wood)
Leads (Leather & Latigo)
Leads (Nylon)
Leads (Retractable)
Leads (Stainless Steel)
Leads (Training)
Leads, Leashes, & Harnesses
Lighting & Accessories
Lighting (Fluorescent)
Lighting (Incandescent)
Lighting (LED)
Litter Clumping
Litter Deodorizers & Additives
Litter Liners & Filters
Litter Pans
Litter Pans & Covers
Litter Scoops
Made in the USA Dog Treats
Medicated Lotions & Ointments
Medications (Fish)
Milk Replacers
Mineral Blocks
Miscellaneous (Fashion Wear)
Miscellaneous (Merchandise)
Muzzles (Nylon & Wire)
Nail Trimmers & Files
Nesting Equipment
Nests Wicker & Stick & Other
Nets & Netting
Nursers & Bottles
Nutritional Supplements
Odor Control
Other Filter Parts
Perches (Plastic & Other)
Perches (Wood)
Plant Baskets
Plant Food
Plants (Marine)
Plants (Standard)
Plumbing Parts
Pond Liners
Posts (Hanging & Regular)
Power & Canister Filter Replacement Parts
Power Heads
Pumps (Air)
Pumps Water
Rawhide Bones & Chews
Reef Items
Reflectors & Domes
Repellents (Indoor & Outdoor)
Replacement Parts
Rinses & Coat Conditioners
Sand & Gravel
Screen Covers
Sealants & Silicone
Security Gates (Wire & Wood)
Seed (Bagged)
Shampoos & Conditioners
Shampoos (Medicated)
Shampoos (Regular)
Small Pet Treats
Stain Removers
Starter Kits
Swings & Trees
Testing Equipment
Thermometers & Thermostats
Thermometers (Digital)
Thermometers (Standard)
Tieout Cables & Stakes
Toys & Play Products
Toys (Catnip)
Toys (Cloth)
Toys (Gumabone)
Toys (Latex)
Toys (Nylabone)
Toys (Other)
Toys (Rope)
Toys (Rubber)
Toys (Sheepskin)
Toys (Vinyl)
Training Aids
Treats & Supplements
Treats (Bulk)
Treats (Packaged)
Tubing (Flexible)
Tubing (Rigid)
UV Sterilizers & Parts
Valves Pipe & In-Line & Other
Waste Pickup & Disposal
Water Bottles
Water Conditioners
Water Pumps
Water Pumps & Power Head Parts
Water Solutions - Specialty & Pre-Mixed
Water Spitters
Water Treatments
Waterers & Feeders
Waterfall Kits
Whistles (Silent & Other)
Wildbird Feeders
Wildbird Food
Wire Cages & Habitats